In recent years, many women have begun to become more aware of perimenopause and how it affects their health, mind and emotions. In this article, we will explore perimenopause and how to feel great during this period.
1. Understanding Perimenopause
Perimenopause is the time when the body begins the natural transition to menopause, marking the end of a woman's reproductive years. Perimenopause is also known as the menopausal transition, when the body will no longer ovulate, menstruation will stop and fertility will no longer occur. This period usually occurs between the ages of 45-50, and can last 2-5 years depending on each person's body and lifestyle.
This is the period when the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the body begin to decrease, causing many physical and psychological changes. Common symptoms during this period include:
· Irregular menstruation
· Sleep disorders
· Night sweats
· Mood swings
· Irritability and hot flashes
However, not everyone experiences these symptoms negatively. By taking good care of their health and living a healthy lifestyle, women can be completely confident and happy during perimenopause.
2. Improve your lifestyle
Lifestyle is a factor that greatly affects the perimenopause period. Many women find it difficult to cope with the symptoms during this period, but in fact there are many ways to improve their health through a healthy lifestyle.
a. Diet
A varied and balanced diet not only improves overall health but also reduces the symptoms of perimenopause. Pay attention to adding foods rich in omega-3, calcium and vitamin D. Green vegetables and fresh fruits, nuts are also important in providing fiber and necessary vitamins for the body.
b. Exercise
Regular exercise not only helps to lose weight, improve health but also improves mood. Yoga and Pilates are great methods to help the body stay flexible, relax the mind, and improve overall health. Research has shown that regular exercise can reduce the symptoms of perimenopause.
3. Optimism
Perimenopause is not a time to be depressed or hopeless. On the contrary, this is a great opportunity for women to learn about themselves and develop new interests. Participating in social activities, learning a new skill, or simply taking time to care for yourself can help improve your mood and bring joy.
Social Connections
Joining women's groups, community organizations, or volunteering is a great way to rebuild social connections. This not only reduces feelings of loneliness, but also helps women feel more confident and empowered as they enter perimenopause. Emotional support from friends and family is also very important in overcoming the challenges of this stage.
4. Learn and accept
Accepting the changes in your body is a key factor in helping women feel better during perimenopause. Rather than avoiding or fearing it, learning about perimenopause and its symptoms can help women have a more positive view of this stage.
Educate yourself
Reading books, attending seminars, or researching menopause online are all effective ways to increase your knowledge about the process. When you have a clear understanding of the changes in your body, you will have appropriate methods to care for your body, thereby reducing anxiety and stress, and being motivated to find better ways to manage your menopause symptoms.
5. Supportive methods
Many women have turned to different supportive methods to relieve the symptoms of perimenopause. From using natural herbal products to traditional and modern medical methods, there are many options for each person to find the right solution for themselves.
a. Natural herbs
Some herbs such as jujube or soybeans can help supplement estrogen and reduce uncomfortable symptoms during perimenopause. Before using any herbs, you should consult your doctor to ensure your health safety.
b. Traditional medicine
Some women also turn to traditional medical methods such as acupuncture or massage to improve health, blood circulation and reduce stress. These therapies not only help the body relax but also balance hormones, bringing a more comfortable feeling during perimenopause.
6. Set New Goals and Dreams
Perimenopause is also a good time for women to set new goals and dreams. This is a time to pursue passions that may have been missed due to other responsibilities in life. Traveling, studying, or challenging yourself in a completely new area can bring joy and vitality to women during this period.
7. Conclusion
Perimenopause is not an end but a new beginning. Changes in the body are inevitable, but with good preparation, a healthy lifestyle, and a positive attitude, women can live happily and feel great at any age. Remember, each stage of life brings valuable opportunities and experiences. By viewing perimenopause as a journey of self-discovery, women will realize that they can always shine amidst the changes of life.
Source: Team MPS compiled, analyzed and wrote. Please dont reup without source. Many thanks.

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